Louis Masur is Board of Governors Distinguished Professor of American Studies and History at Rutgers University. A graduate of the University at Buffalo and Princeton University, he is a cultural historian who has written on a variety of topics. His most recent work is The Sum of Our Dreams: A Concise History of America (2020). A specialist on Lincoln and the Civil War, he is the author of Lincoln's Last Speech: Wartime Reconstruction & The Crisis of Reunion (2015), Lincoln’s Hundred Days: The Emancipation Proclamation and the War for the Union (2012), and The Civil War: A Concise History (2011). He has also written books on a single photograph (The Soiling of Old Glory), a seminal record album (Runaway Dream: Born to Run and Bruce Springsteen's American Vision), the events of a year (1831: Year of Eclipse), and the first World Series (Autumn Glory). In 2023, he wrote the script for Rock 101: The Music and Stories of Ten Classic Songs, a show that premiered in Woodstock, NY. Masur’s essays and reviews have appeared in the New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, and Slate. He has been elected to membership of the American Antiquarian Society, the Massachusetts Historical Society, and the Society of American Historians and has received teaching prizes from Harvard University, the City College of New York, Trinity College and Rutgers University.

Selected Awards
Rutgers University Board of Governors Scholar-Teacher Award, 2017
Distinguished Contributions to Undergraduate Education, Rutgers University, 2016
Lincoln Institute Book Prize, 2013
Appointed to Historians’ Council of Gettysburg Trust, 2012
Elected Fellow of the Massachusetts Historical Society, 2012
Trustees Award for Faculty Excellence, Trinity College, 2011
Elected Fellow of the Society of American Historians 2005
Elected to membership, American Antiquarian Society, 2003
Outstanding Teaching Award, City College of New York, 2001
Andrew Mellon Foundation Fellowship, Library Company of Philadelphia, 1999
John Clive Prize for Excellence in Teaching, Harvard University, 1992
Mellon Faculty Fellowship in the Humanities, Harvard University, 1989-1990